President Nazarbayev signed "Law on Physical Culture and Sports"
On 8 July 2014, Head of the State signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Physical Culture and Sports" aimed at improving state regulation in the field of physical culture and sports in accordance with modern requirements for the training of athletes, creating a more effective system of physical culture and sports, as reported by the press office of the President
The main purpose of the law is to improve the legal framework in the field of physical culture and sports, establish legal, institutional, economic and social foundations based on modern trends and requirements of development of organizations of mass physical culture, amateur and professional sports.
The law envisages the expansion of powers of the Government, authorized and local executive bodies in the field of regulation of the activities of sports organizations.
Additionally, the law includes rules governing the activities of the professional sports industry; requirements for the activities of sports federations; the right to establish sports clubs, federations, student and school leagues in educational institutions. The law regulates the means and methods of doping control, defines the legal regulation of the development of sports medicine and of planning sports activities and their conduct.
The law has introduced a procedure of how sports federations register athletes and accredit coaches; addresses the issues of training of sports reserve and high-class athletes; approves the rules for assigning sports titles, ranks and qualification categories; and has improved the state system of support for distinguished athletes and coaches.
The law regulates the aspects of conclusion and termination of contracts on professional sports activities, transition of a professional athlete from one organization to another, training of high-class athletes, participation in sports competitions, and resolution of disputes between entities of professional sports.
This law will create favorable conditions for: empowering the population of Kazakhstan for regular physical training and sports, enhancing sports movement and professional sports in the country; healthy lifestyles, reducing morbidity and health promotion, which will boost labor productivity, increase the duration of economically active life of citizens, and reduce government spending on health care and temporary disability benefits.
Likewise, the Head of State signed the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on issues of physical culture and sports" aimed at bringing the legislation into conformity with the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Physical Culture and Sports".
The law was designed to bring some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in accordance with the draft Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Physical Culture and Sports."
The law makes relevant amendments to the Budget Code, the Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Administrative Offences, the Code "On people's health and the health care system" as well as the Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On Housing Relations", and "On Public Procurement".
In particular, it establishes the administrative responsibility of officials for violations of the law in the field of physical culture and sports, sports medicine; expands competence of village governors (akims) in relation to establishment and maintenance of sports infrastructure at the place of residence and in places of public entertainment, as well as in relation to the provision of social guarantees to athletes and coaches.
These amendments and additions shall establish the conditions for filling gaps in matters of public procurement by public enterprises in the field of sports; regulation of construction of sports facilities; and establishment of administrative responsibility for violation of the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of physical culture and sports. In order to promote and encourage athletes who are champions and medalists of Olympic Games, Paralympic and Deaflympics, the law establishes special qualities of providing them with ownership of housing from local executive bodies of oblasts, cities of republican status, and the capital.